The ANC now has to scramble to put together funds to pay workers before the party’s policy conference is set down for Thursday.

The African National Congress (ANC) said it would pay staff their outstanding salaries in a day or two after they threatened to disrupt its policy conference scheduled for later this week.

Unpaid workers picketed at the party’s provincial offices across the country on Tuesday.

The ANC now has to scramble and put together funds to pay workers before the party’s policy conference set to begin on Thursday.

ANC NEC member Gwen Ramokgopa was deployed by the party leadership to quell tensions outside the party’s headquarters at Luthuli House on Tuesday.

She faced a handful of workers who accused the party of unfair labour practices.

ACN staffers demand their June and July salaries.

They also want the party to address several other demands including covering the costs of their employee benefits.

Ramakgopa gave employees the assurance that the party would settle outstanding salaries soon.

“Some of the funds that the donors sent us are exclusively for a conference, for the policy conference. With the support of management, there have been negotiations that part of that should go towards relieving what we owe to our staff.”

Ramakgopa has vowed to return with some answers after a meeting with leadership structures.

She said the meeting would include looking at long-term solutions to the financial crisis at Luthuli House.

Source: EWN