The Jacob Zuma Foundation said that it would study a judgment by the High Court in Pietermaritzburg, which has ruled that VBS Mutual Bank can seize his moveable assets to repay a R6.5 million loan.

The Jacob Zuma Foundation said that it would study a judgment by the High Court in Pietermaritzburg, which has ruled that VBS Mutual Bank can seize his moveable assets to repay a R6.5 million loan.

The court made the order on Tuesday.

Former President Jacob Zuma took out a loan with the now-defunct bank when he was first ordered to pay back money used for the extensive security upgrades at his Nkandla homestead.

“Pay back the money! Pay back the money!”

Those were the words chanted in Parliament after it was revealed that Nklandla had a “fire pool” among other upgrades.

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