016 Evolution
Proudly Vaal
with Phiwe
016 Evolution
Proudly Vaal
Ever heard of a weekend afternoon drive show? Well, take a shot left to the 016 Evolution every Saturday afternoon and have a taste of a weekend afternoon drive show. And where are you driving to? How about everywhere in Vaal, 016 Evolution is an all-rounder show that covers radio in its entire nature. In informing the youth, we share occupational opportunities and info on issues around education. We chat to young entrepreneurs that share experiences and tips on how the real world in business feels to inspire others to venture into business and not depend on acquiring formal employment in these tough times. We aim to promote and appreciate local future business leaders and even promote supporting local brands. Whilst educating and discussing issues affecting the youth in the Vaal, we still manage to entertain with music on the show’s Top 10 charts!
with Phiwe
12:00 pm 3:00 pm